Life is very interesting and in our various journeys we can feel like we are just stuck, like the red in the red light.

Maybe you are a habitual procrastinator and not moving in the direction of the meaningful work that you want to do, or you are an over-thinker and become very indecisive and even your perfectionism. Or maybe you’ve been putting off a project that you desire to do, or putting off exercise or meditation, or making some other important change in your life.

We just really get stuck. And I will tell you that I am a living testament to the truth that we can get unstuck.

In my personal and professional lives, I’ve been stuck many times – and what I’ve learned and experienced that there are always ways through the stuckness. It’s not about running away from it, ignoring it, or turning away from the stuckness, but you must face it head on and turning towards it. Going through it. Embracing the stuckness, learning from it, and letting it unstick itself.

Know that there is no magic recipe for getting unstuck or no one way to do this, but here are a few ways that are incredibly helpful:

  1. Stop being indecisive and make DECISIONS and set an INTENTION: I see so much greatness in you, and I know that you want to be successful in your businesses. So, if you want something different to happen, you have to decide to make changes. Get out of your head and make those clear decisions. A clear decision means that you are letting go of all of the “should I do this or maybe not?” kind of self-talk, and just commit to the decision fully. And then you need to set an intention and put the action needed to get it accomplished.
  2. Turn towards the DIFFICULTY: Life will give you lemons, but you must turn them into lemonade. And when you make lemonade there is a process of making it sweeter to remove the “tart” and “bitterness” from it. And that is what you have to do with any difficulty in your life. You can not turn away from it, you just face it. Stick with the process to see the benefits. For example, if you’ve been avoiding thinking about a difficult project, or taking that next level in your business, or getting uncomfortable to grow and expand — not much will change until you turn towards it and face it. You must be willing to turn towards the difficulty and work with it is one of the most important requirements to change.
  3. Celebrate those small WINS: Know that those small victories, that slow change, can lead to amazing progress. Give yourself grace and focus on those small victories at first. Those small wins are there to remind you that anything is possible and that you are getting closer and closer to the finish line. For example, when I started training for my first marathon. I told myself I just had to lace up my shoes and get out the door. Each week I got stronger and stronger, increased my mileage very gradually — and within 6 months, I went from doing 5ks, to 10ks, to 15ks, to running marathons. Gradual change equals huge progress over time.
  4. Do it with OTHERS: Don’t think you need to do this alone. Some individuals try to get unstuck and make a change by themselves. I know this can feel safer, but it can also lead you to not getting unstuck timely. When doing something touch on your own, which can work sometimes, but often it can work against us. In my life, I’ve found it incredibly powerful and effective to do it with others that can help push, guide, direct, and encourage us through it. Find a group, a person, a mentor, a coach, get an accountability partner, for find that powerful wolf pack to run the race with. You will find that it helps to not be alone, and to get support when you feel like giving up.
  5. Focus on PROGRESS, not perfection. I struggle with this too, but have gotten so better as I’ve grown in my career and business. It is not about be perfect but about making progress. Do not get stuck in the weeds of not having it so perfectly done, but focus on the steps and strategies you are taking to get it accomplished. You’re not trying to be perfect at this. You’re trying to trend in the right direction. Missed 4 days of working out last week? Focus on the 2 days you did did! Keep making progress, and let go of small misses and mishaps. They only keep you stuck and not gaining that good momentum that you need.

These are just a few helpful tips you can use to make the change you need to get you to gain some actionable outcomes in your life, business, and career. Remember that God has equipped you with exactly what you need. Are you using that POWER it to be the best version of you.

While I am on this subject, I have two resources to help you get unstuck and make some very intrinsic and extrinsic changes in your life.

The Highly Successful Purposeful Living Toolkit:

Powerful Purpose Growth Mindset Workbook:

Now, go out each day realizing your dreams by removing anything or anyone that is keeping you stuck. It is time for you to conquer your life, business, and career — so you can escape from any mediocrity and for a cause greater than yourself. Take those first steps to not stay where you are and build a better version of yourself so you can use your POWER that God has given to make a dent in this universe. You truly have a POWERFUL PURPOSE to live in this life. Do it with great intention, live it with your purpose, on purpose, and write a new page in your story each day.


-Dr. Z

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